This sequence is designed to light up and clarify your connection to your inner thighs as part of your core system. Add props to taste.
Up Next in Core
Ribs, Core & More
Explore how your ribs impact your whole body. Your ribs house and protect your heart and lungs. Relate to them as a container and a space holder. These movements are helpful for bringing the front ribs back down postpartum and for breathing life into areas that commonly get stuck.
Hatha | Core Stability | Neck & Shoul...
This quick sequence addresses neck and shoulder tension via core integration. Create support through your deep front line (from pelvic floor to deep neck flexors) and unwind tension around your upper traps and side of neck.
Hamstrings & Core Quickie
A quick sequence to fire up the relationship between the anterior abs and hamstrings as a way to balance the pelvis and really feel your core 🔥