There are many ways to think about the core; ranging from layers of musculature- deep to superficial, to domes of lift- arches of the feet, pelvic floor, diaphragm and soft palate, to being able to keep the pelvis, ribs and skull organized in relation to gravity and more. Working with the core can have a profound impact on how you move and feel about yourself.
Adductors, Core & Pelvic Floor
This sequence is designed to light up and clarify your connection to your inner thighs as part of your core system. Add props to taste.
Ribs, Core & More
Explore how your ribs impact your whole body. Your ribs house and protect your heart and lungs. Relate to them as a container and a space holder. These movements are helpful for bringing the front ribs back down postpartum and for breathing life into areas that commonly get stuck.
Hatha | Core Stability | Neck & Shoulder Mobility
This quick sequence addresses neck and shoulder tension via core integration. Create support through your deep front line (from pelvic floor to deep neck flexors) and unwind tension around your upper traps and side of neck.
Hamstrings & Core Quickie
A quick sequence to fire up the relationship between the anterior abs and hamstrings as a way to balance the pelvis and really feel your core 🔥
Bolster & Ball Chaturanga
A quick sequence to build the foundational core strength for practicing chaturanga dandasana. It’s helpful to think of this posture as a transition move rather than an asana to hold. Practicing supine and on your knees with the bolster can help you build the awareness and strength to incorporate ...
Active Supta P with Weight for Feedback
prop used: small weight
Pelvic Stability & Hip Mobility
prop: squishy ball
Side Body Strength & Length
prop: squishy ball
Pelvic Floor Core
Oblique System Strength
props used: squishy ball & block
Find a complementary practice in the self care series, “oblique system release” -
Total Body Core
A total body core class with special attention to the diagonal core line.
Inner Thigh Connection
Rotation & Coordination
Core with a ball!
Deep core with support, supine & side lying
Balancing ribs & glutes through core
Transverse Abs